Jane Hughes

Jane Hughes

Dr Jane Hughes is a lecturer in accounting and finance at the Open University. She is a professional accountant, with over twenty years of business experience in both corporate and financial services.

Location Open University Milton Keynes


  • Love these ideas for the name! We need to think about this and how to grab people - finance is sooooo important in our business and other lives. The aim was to get some key ideas over 'in a nutshell'...

  • Nice financial thought Emma - that is, noting the free aspect of the mooc!
    And please everyone do download the spreadsheets - you may know a start up or small enterprise that could use that sort of process - and benefit from asking some further questions about how they use their own resources to generate cash. Organising your business so that your customers...

  • Glad some of you like the spreadsheet - you can of course customise it for any business you know/ manage / run and then you can model various future scenarios and assess the outcome, before taking any relevant decisions.

  • There are just 5 questions at the end of each week so no more questions to appear!

  • Lots more about crowd funding in week 3!