steve odette

steve odette

I am a Para-vet- BSc. Animal health and production with passion for good veterinary practices.

Location Kenya



  • I am currently developing a course that I will deliver online. I could have targeted a face-to-face audience but the logistics plus my target reach do not align.

  • In terms of target audience, size of the audience, learning outcomes, and content/topics, I see no significant difference in terms of quality. All three formats perform pretty well. However, when it comes to assessment, face-to-face and virtual formats perform pretty well-- The fact that assessments here involve project work brings a big difference compared to...

  • I choose 2. And maybe this resonates much with my experience being a student and how I like to approach teaching. As the instructor, it is incumbent upon me to be the originator of information. There is a reason why I am the instructor and people want to learn from me. May be I have experience in that domain or have mastered something that should be relayed...

  • Experiences where all learners are engaged can be rare. In my life time, at least they are rare. However, I was watching one lecture by Professor Denis Nobel, and I must admit, that was really thought out. I was in my full concentration. So I can imagine those who were in that lecture. The secrete to this lecture was making sure content is well researched,...

  • I hope for
    more on data analysis across diverse samples

  • Glad I finished the course.

  • EX1:
    var_tb %>% ggplot(aes(y=DP, x=ALT_DP)) + geom_point()
    var_tb %>% ggplot(aes(y=DP, x=ALT_DP, fill = SAMPLE)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 5) + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "RdBu")
    test <- var_tb %>% ggplot(aes(y=DP, x=ALT_DP, fill = SAMPLE)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 5) +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette = "RdBu") +

  • Impressive. Especially the analysis of genes parts

  • EX1:
    variants_csv2 |> group_by(SAMPLE) |> summarise(mean(DP))
    variants_csv2 |> group_by(SAMPLE) |> count(CHROM, sort = TRUE) |> head(6)
    var_tb %>% mutate(DP100 = DP/100) %>% select(SAMPLE, DP, DP100) %>% str()

  • Another alternative to %>% is base R's |>.

  • This week's learning is good for general data exploration. Allows you to have a feel of your data. Also, the learnings allows you prepare/subset only the data you want to use in future.

  • My significant learning point is assigning lineages.

  • I found this helpful:
    "Ir may be because your home directory is full. There should be a ~/.singularity directory there that could be filling up. Can you try and delete that and try again?"
    Comment edited from the nextflow guys

  • This worked for me just as it is:
    nextflow run nf-core/viralrecon -profile singularity \
    --max_memory '12.GB' --max_cpus 4 \
    --input samplesheet.csv \
    --outdir results/viralrecon \
    --protocol amplicon \
    --genome 'MN908947.3' \
    --primer_set artic \
    --primer_set_version 3 \
    --skip_kraken2 \
    --skip_assembly \
    --skip_pangolin \

  • bcftools stats gives me this:
    # SN [2]id [3]key [4]value
    SN 0 number of samples: 1
    SN 0 number of records: 76
    SN 0 number of no-ALTs: 0
    SN 0 number of SNPs: 75
    SN 0 number of MNPs: 0
    SN 0 number of indels: 1
    SN 0 number of others: 0
    SN 0 number of multiallelic sites: 0
    SN 0 number of multiallelic SNP sites: 0

  • steve odette made a comment

    I would begin with the basics, Watson and Crick's discoveries of the structure of the DNA, I mean how can you sequence what you do not know about? Top of my list is also PCR by Kary Mullis. Most NGS technologies use fundamentals of PCR. Then now I can come to sanger sequencing.

  • I am Steve Odette, from Kenya. I have some basic bioinformatics skills but want to scale up.

  • Hi, I have installed everything right. Can someone help me with this error?
    "samtools: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

  • @UchennaUrom Hi, yea your code is right. I should not have used the "==" but "eq". #iterate Ephania's resp.

  • Working with wnds. This worked before running R

  • I was not able to start R in git using the "R" command. Command not found

  • steve odette made a comment

    read -p "Enter the filename:" File
    function file_exists () {
    if [[ -e ${File} ]]
    echo "File exists": ${File}
    echo "The File ${File} does not exist"
    file_exists "${File}"

  • steve odette made a comment

    for (( i=1; i<=5; i++))
    if [[ ${1} == 2 ]]
    echo "fizz"
    echo "buzz"

  • read -p "Please enter a diamond cut: " quality
    if [[ ${quality} == "Fair" ]] || [[ ${quality} == "Good" ]]
    echo "Insufficient quality to proceed"
    elif [[ ${quality} != "Ideal" ]] && [[ ${quality} != "Very Good" ]] && [[ ${quality} != "Premium"
    # If the cut is not a valid value
    echo "Invalid cut"
    # Using the -c option from grep...

  • echo "What sound does the animal give"
    read animal
    case $animal in
    echo "Here, moo"
    echo "there a baa"
    echo "Everywhere a quack"
    echo "Old MacDonald had a farm"

  • echo "what your the temperature"
    read temperature
    if [[ ${temperature} -gt ${max_temp} ]]
    echo too hot
    elif [[ ${temperature} -lt ${min_temp} ]]
    echo too cold
    elif [[ ${temperature} -gt ${min_temp} ]] && [[ ${temperature} -lt ${max_temp} ]]
    echo just okay

  • steve odette made a comment

    fruits=("pineapple" "peach" "raspberry" "plum" "apple" "kiwi")
    echo "we have ${#fruits[@]} elements"
    echo "last fruit is ${fruits[-1]}"